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Pantangan Ketika Bercinta!

bercinta boleh-boleh saja, asal dengan pasangan yang tetap. Tapi nggak cuma itu, ada "pantangan-pantangan" yang kudu banget kamu hindari, supaya prosesnya berjalan dengan indah, asik dan memuaskan. Soalnya, fatal banget kalau lagi seru-serunya, tiba-tiba ada gangguan yang melunturkan aktivitasmu.

Nah, catat nih, hal-hal yang Harus Dihindari dalam Berhubungan Intim:

Ketika bercinta, wanita biasanya lebih mudah terfokus dibandingkan kaum pria. karena itu ada beberapa hal yang sebaiknya diperhatikan ketika sendang bercinta, antara lain seperti..

Jangan menyalakan televisi, tape, radio terutama jika acara yang ditanyakannya adalah siaran berita. Jika Anda beruda senang menonton film "khusus dewasa" lakukan sebelum bercinta.

Matikan telepon genggam, pager, alarm, dan sebagainya yang bisa mengganggu sekali. Jika ada pesawat telepon dalam kamar, matikan suara deringnya, atau cabut kabel konektornya. Suara-suara berisik atau panggilan telepon ketika bercinta merupakan "pembunuh mood" yang efektif.

Bersendawa, membuang gas atau angin, atau hal-hal yang sejenisnya bisa sama sekali menghilangkan "selera" bercinta pasangan Anda. Interupsi, seperti tiba-tiba sakit perut atau buang air kecil misalnya, juga efektif menerbangkan mood pasangan atau Anda. Apalagi kalau Anda pipis diatas pasangan Anda, sangat mengganggu. Karena itu semua sangat memerlukan persiapan juga diri Anda.


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Tinggalkan Pesanan Anda di sini. Spam Jangan dech....

AMP = Apartment Asian Massage Parlor Agency = A company that manages calls, bookings, and advertising for a group of providers. AMP = Asian Massage Parlor anak gajah = cewe gemuk Anal Rimming = Oral stimulation of anus Analinus = Anal Rimming (Oral stimulation of anus) anjelo = antar jemput lonte AR = Anal Rimming (Oral stimulation of anus) Asian Cowgirl = girl on top, squatting ASMI = akademi santapan manajer Indonesia ASP = Adult Service Provider asusila = asal suka silahkan ATF = All Time Favorite ATM = Ass To Mouth Aunt Flo = Menstruation ayam = cewek panggilan/PSK Babyback = Petite, young, attractive Asian Bait and Switch = Person who shows up is a different one than advertised bapuk = barang empuk Bareback = Without condom. Barracuda = A professional prostitute who's only purpose is to separate you from your money as quickly as possible, preferably without giving you anything in return. BBBJ = Bare Back Blow Job, BJ tanpa kondom BBBJTC = Bare Back Blow Job to Completion (oral sex to orgasm) BBBJTCWS = Bare Back Blow Job to Completion with Swallowing BBBJWF = Bare Back Blow Job With Facial BBFS = Bare Back Full Service, sex tanpa kondom BBS = bobo-bobo siang, barber shop BBW = Big Beautiful Woman BDSM = Bondage, Discipline, Sado-Masochism. Beso Negro = Anal Rimming BF = Boy Friend BFE = Boy Friend Sxperience Birdwatching = BBBJTCWS BJ = Blow Job bedu amang = bebek dungu asal mangap (seksi tapi gak punya otak) benerin genteng = naek ke atas (masuk ke kamar bersama sang WP) berondong = cowok ABG Big "O" = orgasm, orgasme binor = bini orang bispak = bisa dipake bisyar = bisa dibayar BLS = Ball Licking and Sucking Blue Pill = Viagra BMO = bini muda orang bondon = boneka donto brajil (baca Brazil) = berani jilat karena mekinya bersih BSD = Big Swinging Dick BSW = Black Street Walker BT = butuh titit/toket, birahi tinggi BTW = By the Way BU = butuh uang buang tai macan = buang/keluarin peju atau sperma bulu jagung = abg bau kencur yg baru mulai tumbuh bulu bupati = buka paha tinggi-tinggi (tahun '80an) Butterface = Everything looks good, but her face caps = kondom Cash and Dash = ROB who takes the money and runs CBJ = Covered Blow Job (oral sex with a condom) CC Rider = Full service provider costing $200 or less. CCP = curi-curi pandang, cubit-cubit pantat, cicip-cicip payudara CDS = Covered Doggy Style cenggur = ngaceng nganggur CFS = Covered Full Service (sex with condom) CG = Club Girls, Cowgirl Chump = A man who gives his money and/or his attention to women without getting any pussy in return. CI = check in ciblek = cilikan betah melek CIM = cum in mouth, keluar dalem mulut CMD = Carpet Matches Drapes (typically a natural blonde) CMIIW = Correct Me If I'm Wrong, kalau tidak salah CMT = Certified Massage Therapist. A professional masseuse cobol = colok bo'ol (lobang pantat) COF = Cum on Face, muka di masker pake mani Cover = Condom Cowgirl = CG, girl on top facing you. cuci kolong = di HJ dari belakang/bawah Cups of Coffee = Releases cuti = cuci titit damon = dada montok Danamon = dadanya montok DATY = Dining at the Y (Performing oral sex on a woman) DC = Damage Cost (total pengeluaran ditempat termasuk tips, minuman, dll.) DDE = Doesn't Do Extras (PS only) DDG = Drop Dead Gorgeous DDP = Double Digit Penetration (pussy and anus) Decolgen = delapan koltol gentayangan DFA = Definitely Fuckable DFE = Dead Fish Experience DFK = Deep French Kissing diesel = diisep sampe kesel diskon = disodok kontol DIY = Do It Yourself (masturbation) Djarum = djanda ranum Djarum Super = djarang di rumah suka pergi, dugem-maniak DKM = dikocok muncrat doggy style = nungging dompit = kondom kejepit doni = dorongan nikmat Doubles = A threesome with two girls and you DSL = Dick Sucking Lips DT = Dining at the Toes DT = Deep Throat Edi Tansil = ejakulasi dini tanpa hasil eksekusi = ngewe English = Spanking, etc. EOM = End Of Message Expats = Persons living in countries other than their own citizenship. Generally refers to Americans or Europeans living in other countries F3 = Fuck For Free facial = cum di wajah FBSM Full Body Sensual Massage FF = Finger Fuck, ngobel FFF = Refers to the strategy of "Find them, Fuck them, Forget them" FIV = Finger In Vagina FJ = Fuck Job FKK = Frei Körper Kultur (German brothel / nudist club) FL = Free Lance FO = Front Office, GRO FOB = Fresh Off the Boat (Asian immigrant recently arrived in the US) FOBU = Fat-Old-Bald-Ugly FOV = Finger Outside Vagina FR = Field Report, Fuck Report French = Oral sex French Kissing = Kissing on mouth with tongue contact French Without = Oral sex without condom FS = Full Service (complete sex) Fuck = ngewe, ngentot FUTB = Finger Up The Butt FYEO = For Your Eyes Only, rahasia, jangan disebar ke mana-mana galdimob = galak dimobil galdiran = galak diranjang ganti oli = buang oli yg lama biar nanti oli yg baru masuk lg, ngewe gatot = gagal ngentot Get Comfortable = Get completely naked GFE = girl friend experience GND = Girl Next Door GO = Gonorrhea Greek = Anal sex GRO = Guest Relation Officer GS = Golden Shower (urination play) GSM = G-Spot Massage Half and Half = Oral sex followed by intercourse. Hardwood Floors = Clean shaven pussy. Hat = Condom helm = kondom HJ = Hand Job HM = High Mileage HME = Honeymoon Experience (lapdog heaven) HR = Hand Release (a hand job) HSW = Hispanic Street Walker HTML = hubungan tanpa making love HWP = Height and Weight Proportionate IM3 = ikatan meki murah Muwardi (PP Iwan, PP Cahaya, PP Santoso, PP Alami) IMHO = In My Humble Opinion, menurut pendapat saya Incall = You meet the girl at their place intelek = intip tete lewat ketek isep = seponk, blow-job ismek = isep memek ISO = In Search Of, I Seek Only Italian = Penis rubbing between butt cheeks ITJ = ilang tanpa jejak jablay = dijamah, dibelai jarot = jarang ngentot jilmek = jilat memek jiltok = jilat toket jipatbu = driji papat mlebu judi = jual diri kapolda = kagak nampol dadanya karaoke = blow-job, seponk, isep kardus = kaki ramping dan mulus karet = kondom KB = kontol besar, kagak begituan KRD = kelompok rolling door kodak = konak mendadak kodim = konak diam-diam konak = kontol naik, ngaceng konde = kondom KTV = Karaoke kuaceng = kuat ngaceng, obat buat bikin kuat ngaceng kuku bima = kurang kuat bini marah kutilang darat = kurus tinggi langsing dada rata lanchau = kontol (bahasa WP) Lapdog = Person who worships providers to excess. LBFM = Little Brown Fucking Machine LC = lady companinon, cewek di Karaoke lem biru = lempar ambil yang baru LE = Law Enforcement LEO = Law Enforcement Officer LFK = Light Face Kissing LK = Light Kissing (closed mouth) LOL = Laugh Out Loud LOS = Land of Smiles (refers to Thailand) Lot Lizards = Prostitutes who operate out of truck stops or other trucker hangouts. LP = Long Play LT = Long Time (usually overnight) LTR = Long Term Relationship Mabes = Jl. Mangga Besar & sekitarnya Mabes Polri = Jl. Mangga Besar di pool belok kiri/di patokan Lokasari macan = mamak cantik Mamasan = Female manager of a massage parlor, mami Mangdu = Jl. Mangga Dua & sekitarnya Mazda Capela = masih dara kagak perawan lagi (sudah operasi selaput dara) mbokne ancuk = embok'e di encuk (istilah buat orang jelek) MBR = Multiple Bell Ringing (MSOG) MILF = Mother I'd Like to Fuck minak djinggo = miring kepenak ndjengking monggo Missionary = Man on top, girl on back MJ = muka jablay ML = make love, ngewe Mohawk = A thin rectangular strip of pubic hair MP = Massage Parlor MP = Multiple Pops (multiple releases) MQ = meki, memek MSOG Multiple Shots on Goal (multiple releases) mucusek = muka culun tapi nge seks mupeng = muka pengen ngewe = ngentot, ML, fuck ngupil = kobel memek NGO = Non-Government Organization NPWP = nomor punggung wanita pemijat/panggilan NSA = No Strings Attached nyabul = nyari bulu, nyabutin bulu ONS = one night stand OOT = Out of Topic OTOH = On the Other Hand otong = titit, burung, penis Outcall = The girl comes to your place. OWO = Oral WithOut a condom OWOTC = Oral Without Condom To Completion P4P = Pay for Play, refers to the concept of paying for sex Pangjay = Jl. Pangeran Jayakarta & sekitarnya panlok = panda lokal Papasan = Male manager of a massage parlor Paris Dakar = paras manis dada mekar Party Hat = Condom pasar toge = pantat besar toket gede payung = kondom pinay = cewek dari Philippines panda = WP import dari China panda lokal = WP chinese lokal Ph3 = Phone Tree, nyebarin info dengan cara cepat (lewat sms/email/telepon) PIV = Penis in Vagina PL = Pathetic Loser PM = Private Message sent via the Forum's Private Message service PNS = pemuas nafsu sex PO = Phone Operator Populer = pupu di eler, paha di obral PP = panti pijat PPD = pegang-pegang doang PS = Private Show (Dance) PSE = Porn Star Experience PSK = pekerja seks komersial Punter = British slang for a man who engages in sex with prostitutes PV = Private Viewing (Dance) RA = Relaxation Assistant Raincoat = Condom rakosa = rasakan kontol saya Reverse Cowgirl = Girl on top facing away. Reverse Half and Half = Intercourse followed by oral sex to completion. Reverse Massage = You massage her. Rimming = Analingus rini = rintihan nikmat RMP = Russian Massage Parlor ROB = Rip Off Bitch ROFLMAO = Rolling On (the) Floor Laughing My Ass Off! Roman = An orgy situation. Roman Shower = Vomit play. RRI = rayuan-rayuan iblis RTFF = Read the Fucking Forum Russian = Penis between breasts, Quickie (in Australia) sange = sangat ingin ngewe santi = santapan titit sarung = kondom SBY = Surabaya SC = Strip Club SD = sekolah dasar seatbelt = kondom sekwilda = sekitar wilayah data setel perseneling = ngewe SG = Street Girls Shill = An insider posing as a satisfied customer sikontol panjang = situasi kondisi toleransi pandangan dan kangkauan sipedes = simpenan perempuan desa SMA = sekolah menengah atas SMP = sekolah menengah pertama SO = Significant Other SOF = Shit on Floor SOG = Shot On Goal (one release) SOMF = Sat On My Face soni = sodokan nikmat SOS = sisa on semalam South of the Border = Gential Region Southern France = BBBJ SP = Service Provider, suck penis, blow-job, seponk SPA = saya pijat anda, saya pegang2 anda, saya pengen anal Spanish = Penis between breasts (Australia) Spinner = Very petite, thin girl SSI = speak-speak iblis SSN = speak-speak nabi SSD = speak-speak dewa ST = short time STD = Sexually Transmitted Disease STR = Short Term Relationship Stroll = Path frequented by street walkers STW = setengah tua STNK = setengah tuwo ning kenceng Sun Hole = anal, lobang matahari sugeng = susu ageng sugito = suka gigit toket supel = suka peler surabaya = susu rayut banyak gaya susilo = suka silit orang Sustagen HP = susu tante genit haus peler SW = Street Walker Swinger = tukar-tukar pasangan TAMP = Therapeutic Asian Massage Parlor Teabag = Man squats and dips balls in partner's mouth. telenji = bugil Terano = tete rada nongol TG = tante girang, titit gatel TGTBT = Too Good To Be True tikus darat = tinggi kurus dada rata TK = taman kanak-kanak tocil = toket kecil toge = toket gede TOFTT = Take one for the team. In reference to a new, non-reviewed provider. Tossing Salad = Analingus toman = toket mantap tongpes = kantong kempes, tocil (toket kecil), kantong kempes alias bokek torabika = tolong raba biji kakak dong TP = Tanning Parlor or Tanning Place Tri-F = A devotee to the "Find them, Fuck them, Forget them" strategy Troll = Rude and hideous PL Trolling = Posting thinly disguised ads in a discussion forum. TS = Transexual TTM = teman tapi mesum/mesra TUMA = Tongue Up My Ass tunge = tukang ngewe tung-tung = tunge, bum-bum, ngwee TV = Transvestite TVSW = Transvestite Street Walker udinpetot = udara dingin pengen ngentot WIR = Would I Repeat? wongso subali = wonge gak sepiroa susune sak bal folly WOT = Woman on Top WP = wanita pemijat, wanita panggilan WSW = White Street Walker WTF = What the fuck? XOXO = Kisses & Hugs
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